Class: Point, Drag, and Click
RISD Spring 2021
*project status: work in-progress*
* For this assignment, I worked along side two other group members on creating a News page that would hypothetically exist in Instagram*
Why Create A "News" Feature?
Create a space on a platform - that has high traffic on it - that allows users to view the news depending on their interests. With our feature, users can now view videos, images, as well as news. Since everyone’s spending a lot of time on it, might as well create a feature that allows users to view their choice of news. Having a News page will allow users to connect on a deeper level, share information with other users, educate themselves, feel more productive about spending time on the app, expand their knowledge, entertain themselves, feel more connected to the world, etc.
The News page is not biased. It is a space for all media voices to be heard regardless of their political, social, or economic affiliations. “Facts” and “accuracy” are subjective words that multiple social media platforms have tried to grasp based on nuances; but these acts have lead to more problematic decisions by companies choosing which voices to silent and which to give freedom of expression. The “accuracy” of the news lies on the hands of the users. Users choose what kind of news they’d like to be exposed to, then they can save, share, and react to it. The thumbs up vs thumbs down is a simple reaction button that users can use to rate the “accuracy” of the article they just read. How much a user agrees vs disagrees with something will always be subjective. The reaction tools provided by this feature allows users to voice their personal opinion on the article, allowing Instagram (hypothetically) to gather data on the public’s opinion.
The app also integrates the “Shake for Good News” feature; it focuses on the importance for human’s mental health to be exposed to positive media. Being aware of our surrounding is vital but every person has the right to self-care by choosing which media they’d like to be exposed to as well as the pleasure of reading happy/ good news.
Yes, “Good News” is also quite subjective. But it’s the first step towards treating the ramifications of being exposed to distressing news. Shake Your Phone is a moment for users to view at least one joyful, optimistic, uplifting, etc news.
Never underestimate what a small gesture can make on someone’s mental health.