Anemcare is a product that allows its consumers to use their anemia symptom -hair loss- in order to create a scented a rug that creates a safe place for them to retreat from stress.

Anemia, “a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.” (Wikepedia, 2018) Anemia has various symptoms and causes for it, but people often associate its treatment with iron pills and better nutrition, while it's causes with unhealthy diets and intense menstrual periods. However, there are other factors that impact RBC and cause anemia which are under looked, one of them is stress.
My project serves to critique how the impact that stress has on our health is not taken seriously. Stress should be tackled. People eat food rich with iron, it’s just that stress lowers their RBC; thus, my project will use symptoms of anemia as tools that relief stress. One of the major impact’s anemia has is hair loss which also correlates with the increase in stress level.
Anemcare is a product that allows its consumers to use their anemia symptom -hair loss- in order to create a scented a rug that creates a safe place for them to retreat from stress.
Thus, using hair as a tool to relief stress serves to critique how we often band aid the problem rather than solving it; we take iron pills without tackling the main problem which is stress. My project aims to critique such mentality and misconception and raise the discussion of: is it really worth stressing over something when it will cause you to have anemia on the long run? How can we deal with stress to avoid anemia and any of its sad symptoms and impacts on our mental and physical health.
The link for the website that further explains Anemcare product, is provided bellow: