Alyssa Pal is a young rising artist that recently released her song Showstopper. Alyssa reached out to me to design the art cover of her song. When I asked Alyssa if she had a specific vision for the artwork, she onlyt mentioned that she wanted it to be blue & have roses. After she shared the song with me, based on the sensations that elicited, I decided to go with design direction shown on the right. 
Ideate > photograph > edit > play > create
 I took a photograph of one of the roses at the Flower Shop, did some photo editing, and integrated the blue tone that she asked for. As for the typeface, I chose a font that felt most appropriate to the song's overall theme. 
Personally, I believe that the choice of type must go in parallel with the song's message as well as the overall visual design; thus, I chose this this serif font because it's character style - as shown in the A and Y felt similar to to the shape of the rose petals. The overall look of the typeface alludes this animated and "showstopping" personality that is spoken about in the song.
As for the photo editing aspect, I played with the color tones, vignette, and lighting settings so that it feels reminiscent of setting up a venue stage for a knockout performer, singer, etc.

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