Unleash The Power of The Female Brain
Book Cover Design
This work was created for my Type II class during Spring 2020 at RISD. It was my first time designing a book cover.
We were asked to choose a book and redesign its book cover using both the digital and physical applications. For my physical cover designs I used collage and then incorporated some type digitally. My process included cutting out type or handwriting it then using photography to create powerful images.

Here are a couple of my initial book cover designs:

For the book cover designs made physically, my process for designing the cover physically included cutting out type from newspapers/magazines or handwriting it. As for the covers done digitally, I played with light and took photographs of it. In terms of type, I wanted to create an engaging atmosphere; thus, I used my desk lamp and made some powerful lighting & angle decisions to create the image above without the need to later on edit it digitally.

After multiple cover design iterations, I settled down for one and created a poster for the book's signing event. I ended up choosing one cover design. The book cover was made entirely out of collage. I used images and letters that I found in newspapers and then laid them out to create this composition. After that, I experimented with color in photoshop (merging the physical and digital realms).